Marketing Automation
Marketing automation is an extremely effective tool for streamlining and maximising your marketing efforts.
Marketing automation allows us to manage the full marketing funnel, from lead generation to email marketing and from social media marketing to content creation. This makes our Inbound Marketing services possible, results are transparent and can be measured effectively allowing for strategic tweaks.
Powerful DATA
Through marketing automation we are able to effectively collect all relevant information about your customer from the very first conversion all the way to close.
This gives us the ability to align your data directly to your inbound marketing plan and your business goals to ensure the optimal results and conversion rates.
Lead Nurturing
Not all leads are ready to close which is why it is important to nurture them effectively until they are ready to move to the next stage of the buyers journey.
Using a series of workflows we give you the ability to nurture those leads through their journey until they reach their qualified stage for speaking with sales.
Transparent results & reports
We provide measurable results using HubSpots reporting functionalities.
Because all your marketing services are under one platform it makes it easier to manage and track so we know what channels are driving the most traffic and conversions enabling us to utilise our services effectively.