10 Reasons Why B2B Businesses Outsource Marketing

When running a business there are three very valuable commodities that you hold dear as a business owner; money, time and resources. Marketing requires all three of them. Marketing for a business can suck up a lot of time, resources and money if not done correctly which is why a large amount of b2b businesses are beginning to outsource their marketing so that they can see the best return on investment for their marketing spend.

Chances are if you’re reading this post you’re considering outsourcing your marketing. Well here are 10 reasons on why that's a good idea to do so.

1. Cost

Let’s start with the most obvious and important one. Outsourcing marketing is much more cost effective than it is to do inhouse. If you were to conduct your marketing inhouse you would need to hire a whole team of marketing staff. Content writers, SEO & PPC executives, social media manager, website designers/creators etc. All of these cost a lot of money and can cost a business £100,000 plus. In today's world you can outsource an entire marketing team for only a fraction of the price.

2. More Talent

When you outsource marketing you’re getting access to a massive pool of marketing talent. These marketing experts have been there and done that and know what they’re doing. This rules out the burden of having to go hunting and recruiting for talent when you might not necessarily know what exactly you’re looking for. Is there anything better than working with people who already know how to get you amazing results?

3. Non Stop

Marketing is a constant job and doesn’t stop. You’re website needs to be constantly updated to keep in check with Google ever changing algorithms, your social media needs frequent posts to drive traffic and your website needs fresh and engaging content regularly to generate leads. When you outsource your marketing you don’t have to worry about staff going on annual leave or having sick days. If your marketing does stop for a few weeks or even months, Google will take notice and as result lower your ranking. Consistency is the backbone of successful marketing and that’s exactly what you’re paying for when you hire a marketing agency to manage your marketing.

4. Perspective

When you work on something everyday it never does any harm to have a second set of eye to take a look at it. This is exactly what marketing agencies do for their clients. They’ll look at what your current marketing activities are and be able to point out the areas of improvement. Having this second set of eyes can shed some light on where the business’s marketing efforts are struggling and what actions need to be changed in order to fix the problem.

5. Location

Many businesses outsource their marketing because the particular talent pool may not exist within their geographic proximity. The beauty about outsourcing a marketing agency is that you’re not limited to a particular location. Marketing agencies can be outsourced from any country in the world without sacrificing quality and is often times cheaper as well. This is particularly common within the SaaS industry as SaaS marketers can be often difficult to find in some countries.

6. Your Return on Investment

When you invest money into a marketing agency for services you can be guaranteed that you will see I return on your investment. A marketing agencies job is to provide leads to a business through various marketing channels. Now bare in mind you might not see a return on investment for a few months as marketing doesn’t happen overnight.

7. Latest Technology

Marketing agencies not only provide marketing service but also provide the technology on which those services are conducted. Marketing agencies will often implement the best technology for your business to ensure marketing opimisation and get you the best results. Often these technologies can enhance other areas of your business such as your sales team, making for a stronger relationship between sales and marketing.

8. Time

Marketing can be very time consuming, especially content marketing and making sure its well optimised and inline with your chosen keywords. Being able to outsource these time consuming tasks to an agency can mean wonders for the business where internal staff can focus their efforts on more pressing and important matter within the business.

9. Industry Updates

Marketing agencies spend a large amount of their time keeping up with the latest industry news. This is extremely important to ensure your business is keeping up with the latest trends in the digital marketing space. This can include, website best practices, new social media platforms, new Google Algorithms, new marketing/sales technology and more recently new legislation such as GDPR.

10. Complexity

B2B marketing is tricky. B2B SaaS marketing is even trickier. This type of marketing has to be tailored in such a way that allows the business to drive targeted leads to their website. Often in B2B sales, the sales process can be long and cumbersome with a lot of time a research being done before a lead is ready to talk to a member of a sales team. Outsourcing the right marketing agency who specialise in these niches can provide great value to a business and bring great results.


There you have it, 10 reasons why most businesses are outsourcing their marketing to external agencies. If you’re considering outsourcing your marketing or have any questions on how to do so. Get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to advise - info@mofadigital.com